🏆 EuRoC 2023 News and Teams of the 4th edition of the European Rocketry Challenge in Portugal
#EuRoC 2023 will be in Constância #Portugal between the 10th and 16th of October. #EuRoC2023 competition, organized and promoted by the Portuguese Space Agency, received a record number of 48 applications from #European #university teams. Of these, 25 were selected to participate in the event. The #event seeks to stimulate #STEM university-level #students to fly sounding rockets, by designing and building the #rockets themselves. https://www.care4space.it/?p=1561
Locations of EuRoC 2023
The EuRoC challenge consists of two main locations, the paddock, and the launch site.
Paddock in Constância
For the first time, the paddock (the place where teams meet for the assembly and technical evaluation of projects) will be located in Constância. This Ribatejo village offers a picturesque and serene setting for teams to assemble and evaluate their projects. With a vibrant cultural scene, including museums and ancient monuments nearby, it offers an immersive experience for participants beyond the competition. The change in location provides an opportunity for students to interact with the local community, share their passion for rocketry, and inspire the next generation of STEM enthusiasts
Launch site Campo Militar de Santa Margarida
Campo Militar de Santa Margarida, the launch site for EuRoC 2023, offers the perfect location for launching rockets. Located in the heart of Portugal, it provides a vast open space for rockets to reach their desired altitude safely. The site is well-equipped with the necessary infrastructure, including power, water, and communication facilities, to support the teams’ activities. With its previous experience hosting the competition, it offers a reliable and proven location for teams to showcase their rocketry skills.
During the launch event, participants and spectators will need to refuel and recharge throughout the day. To cater to everyone’s needs, food trucks will be available at the launch site. These food trucks will offer a variety of options, from fast food to healthy snacks, to ensure that everyone can find something they enjoy. It is essential to stay hydrated and energized during the event, so having these food trucks on site will be beneficial to everyone.
Additionally, to ensure the event runs smoothly and safely, support teams will be available at the launch site. These teams will include medical staff and firefighters who are ready to respond to any emergencies that may arise. The support teams will also include technical staff who will provide assistance to the participating teams during the launch process. This support will be essential to guarantee the safety of all participants and the successful completion of the launch event.
Safety first always
Safety is of paramount importance at the launch site of EuRoC 2023, and it is crucial that all participants adhere to the safety guidelines and regulations. The event organizers have emphasized the importance of respecting the red and yellow flags, which signify critical safety conditions at the launch site and the need to pause or cease operations immediately. Additionally, there are speed limits and restrictions inside the military launch site that must be followed strictly. Any violation of these guidelines can result in serious consequences, and participants must prioritize safety at all times during the event. It is the responsibility of each team member to ensure that they are aware of and comply with all safety protocols and guidelines.
Teams and participants in the 2023 edition
For the final number of teams and participants in the 2023 edition, it will be necessary to wait for the date of the competition, as only then will it be known for sure how many teams will guarantee the operationalization of their projects. Last year, 25 teams were selected, but as time went by, not all of them managed to pass the checkpoint despite everyone’s effort and some teams weren’t able to launch. By now, there are 25 teams in total, this is a DRAFT list updated at 19/04/2023
#Austria Aerospace Team Graz; TU Wien Space Team
#CZ CTU Space Research Czech Republic
#Danmark DanSTAR
#France Association Air ESIEA
#Germany ASTRA e.V. – University of Bremen Space Initiative; Space Team Aachen e.V.. ; WARR Rocketry
#Greek Aristotle Space & Aeronautics Team (ASAT)
#Italy Skyward Experimental Rocketry; PoliTo Rocket Team
#Norway Propulse NTNU.
#Poland AGH Space Systems; PUT Rocketlab; KNK PRz
#Portugal RED | Rocket Experiment Division; North Space
#Spain, the Faraday Rocketry UPV; STAR (Student Team for Aerospace and Rocketry)
#Sweden AESIR
#Swiss ARIS; EPFL Rocket Team
#UK Imperial College London Rocketry; HyPower Bristol; INROS;
EuRoC goals 🎯
- develop soft skills, technological skills, and a propensity for innovation
- stimulating the meeting between high-tech and aerospace companies, academics, and young people from all over the world
- to attract and involve national and international partners in supporting the expansion of the aerospace industry, with a particular focus on the emerging new formats of the so-called “NewSpace”.
- promote innovation and competitiveness in the sector, contributing to the creation of highly qualified jobs.
- Motivate and encourage young people to pursue careers based on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), strengthening competencies in the area of Space through research, education, and scientific culture.

The EuRoC challenge consists of launching experimental sounding rockets designed by students to reach a predetermined altitude in different categories of height and types of engines. The score is attributed not only to the flight performance but also to the quality of the technical report and the quality of the design.
EuRoC teams shall consist of members who are currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or were matriculated undergraduate or graduate students (i.eMasters) during the previous academic year (e.former students who graduated shortly before the competition remain eligible), from one or more academic European institutions (e.g., “joint teams” are eligible). Each student team is limited to 30 members. Teams may integrate advisory members (e.g., doctorate students, professors), as long as the number of advisors does not surpass 20% of the total number of team members.
Each team is required to ask the academic institution(s), in which its members are enrolled, to provide a signed letter to EuRoC, acknowledging the team as the institution’s representative and its intention to participate in the event. The signatory shall be a senior faculty member or senior staff representative (e.g., a professor).
Below are the most significant phases with the related roadmap ⛳ and deadlines:

For more info visit the official website https://euroc.pt/